Power Advisory is offering a subscription-based service for Ontario price and Global Adjustment forecasts and Alberta price forecasts. Along with forecasts we offer our electricity market update reports for Ontario and Alberta. In addition, we offer bi-monthly calls to subscribers featuring commentary on latest developments from each market through interactive one-hour discussions.
Full subscription packages (either annual or semi-annual) include a standard 20-year Ontario wholesale price forecast including the Hourly Ontario Electricity Price (HOEP) and Global Adjustment (GA) and/or an Alberta wholesale price forecast.
Wholesale price forecasts include base case and high- and low-scenarios.
Specialized forecasts (e.g., alternate scenarios, etc.) continue to be available outside this subscription service.
Ontario bi-monthly reports include updates from the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), including the Market Renewal Program, updates from the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), government policy updates and other major industry developments.
Alberta bi-monthly report include updates from the Alberta Electricity System Operator (AESO), updates from the Alberta Utility Commission (AUC), government policy updates and other major industry developments.
Both reports feature Power Advisory commentary.
Commencing March 2020 and occurring in alternating months from the bi-monthly reports.
Conference calls, open to all subscribers, feature hot-topics from Ontario and Alberta markets and will include Q&As facilitating discussion.