Consulting Services

Our services are based on fundamental economic and policy drivers shaping electricity markets, regulatory frameworks, market behaviour and investments.


Market Analysis & Assessment
Forecasts & Studies
Project Management
Contract Management & Negotiation
Power Procurement


Power System Planning
Resource Need Assessment
Grid Connection
Financial Modelling


Policy Development
Regulatory Support & Litigation
Market Design & Rule Development
Consultation & Stakeholder
Engagement Support


Business & Project Development
Market Entry
Mergers & Acquisition
Asset Valuation & Due Diligence
Project Feasibility Assessment

Electricity Price Forecast & Subscriptions

Power Advisory produces electricity market price forecasts for multiple markets across North America. We also offer a subscription service for the Alberta and Ontario markets, which includes price forecasts, bi-monthly market update reports and conference calls.

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Select Qualifications

Business Development and M&As

In response to the Canada government’s Climate Plan – A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy that released plans for a hydrogen strategy and the Ontario government’s plans to also develop a hydrogen strategy based on their discussion paper Ontario Low-Carbon Hydrogen Strategy, we are supporting development of green hydrogen projects utilizing operating renewable generators towards supplying hydrogen to end-use customers.

For multiple prospective buyers and investors of generation projects and portfolios of generation assets across multiple Canadian (e.g., BC, Alberta, Ontario, Maritimes) and U.S. (e.g., California, Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Maine, Vermont, etc.) markets, we have provided financial, commercial and engineering due diligence regarding technical assessments of project operations and connection to the grid, market revenues (including market and price forecasts) and contract provisions, obligations and revenues.

In response to Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Standard Offer Programs (SOPs) and other procurement processes for generation (e.g., offshore wind, onshore wind, solar, hydro, gas, etc.), energy storage and transmission projects, we have supported multiple project developers within multiple Canadian (Alberta, Ontario, etc.) and U.S. (New York, New England, etc.) markets with their bids/proposals in response to these opportunities through supporting project development (e.g., price and market forecasts, financial modeling, grid connection, permits and approvals, etc.), compliance with RFP/SOP rules and requirements, grid connection, permits and approvals, technical assessment of potentially competing bids/proposals, and management of production of bids/proposals for submission.

For a Canadian pension fund, we conducted due diligence of a regulated distribution utility in Canada including review of financial models and consistency with regulatory treatment along with assessments, and provided detailed summaries of the regulatory structure applied to the distribution utility and identified key risks, opportunities and future trends.

Policy Development and Market Design

Power to Connect: A Roadmap to a Brighter Ontario defined for the Electricity Distributors Association an action plan and roadmap to enhance integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) combined with evolution of utilities, by recommending timely solutions to address needed policy, regulatory and market changes to unlock the benefit and value of DERs.

On behalf of multiple generators, utilities and customers, we have developed quantitative studies, submissions commenting on market design, rule and contract amendments relating to implementation of Locational Marginal Prices and a Day-Ahead Market, regarding Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Market Renewal Program.

On behalf of the Cogeneration Working Group, we drafted filed reports and successfully delivered expert testimony regarding design and rule amendments regarding previous Alberta Electricity System Operator (AESO) plans to implement a Capacity Market within Alberta.

For a group of Canadian clean energy suppliers and transmitters we estimated benefits of clean electricity exports from Canada to the U.S. by using our New England electricity market model to project economic savings that supported legislation enacted within Massachusetts and development of a 1,200 MW HVDC transmission line from Canada to New England.

Regulatory Support and Litigation

On behalf of a large western Canadian utility, we provided support in response to the Alberta Utility Commission’s Distribution System Inquiry by leading project management, research and drafting of all written submissions and responses to interrogatories relating to distribution sector evolution, development and integration of DERs and electric vehicles (EVs), non-wires alternatives (NWAs), utility remuneration, rate design and future operations of utilities as Distribution System Operators; additionally, we supported this large utility in other areas including preparation of their rate application and its multiple components.

For the Public Service Commission of South Carolina, we served as an independent expert by producing technical analysis through filed reports and testimony relating to solar energy production, avoided costs to utilities, customer charges and proposed terms and conditions for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with solar generators resulting from obligations contained within the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA).

For multiple Independent Power Producers (IPPs) located across U.S. (e.g., Florida, New Hampshire, Louisiana, California, Rhode Island) and Canada (e.g., BC, Ontario, Quebec), we have produced and filed expert reports including detailed analysis and provided testimony within regulatory, arbitration, and other litigation proceedings relating to multiple issues involving facility need, power procurement practices, as well as financial harm relating to curtailment of energy production, amendments to contract provisions, contract renewal provisions, contract termination, termination of permits and approvals, etc.

Forecasts, Studies and Power Procurement

Unlocking Potential: An Economic Valuation of Energy Storage in Ontario defined for Energy Storage Canada the quantitatively benefits to developing energy storage in Ontario to meet power system needs including outcomes and lowering overall electricity costs to customers.

For multiple governments (e.g., municipalities, etc.), government agencies (e.g., system operators, etc.) and utilities across multiple Canadian (e.g., Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia) and U.S. (e.g., New York, Vermont, etc.) jurisdictions, we have administered procurement processes (e.g., RFPs, SOPs) resulting in successful contracting of renewable energy supply or have supported specific components within procurement processes through drafting RFPs/SOP rules and requirements, bid/proposal evaluation, drafting PPAs with legal counsel, and consultations with prospective bidders

Power System Planning and Resource Needs Assessment

For Ontario’s IESO, we performed a jurisdictional scan of power system planning processes supporting key initiatives relating to transmission planning, regional planning, barriers to DERs and NWAs, reliability standards, etc., with the scan involving the following jurisdictions and markets: California ISO, PJM, New York ISO, ISO New England, United Kingdom (National Grid), and Australia (AEMO).

For the Government of Nova Scotia, we produced and filed an expert report with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB) and delivered successful testimony regarding our assessment of the Maritime Link transmission project relative to other projects towards meeting power system needs and objectives, including technical assessment of power flows from adjacent electricity markets, impacts of variable renewable energy supply, costs to customers, etc.

Offshore Wind Project Experience

Case Studies

Economic Valuation Study of Energy Storage in Ontario

Power Advisory undertook an assessment the services and products offered by energy storage, including the current costs associated with providing services from traditional supply and wires options in Ontario.  Specifically, Power Advisory evaluated savings that would result from the further integration of energy storage resulting from the wholesale market (including real-time energy, ancillary services, capacity), transmission and distribution systems (including transmission upgrades deferral and distribution upgrades deferral), and directly to customer (including bill management, demand charge reduction and renewable energy maximization). Power Advisory forecasted the value of energy storage using our internally produced price forecasts, and leveraging publicly available IESO data, as well as information available from regional energy plans.  Ultimately, Power Advisory delivered a robust, public facing report outlining rationale and potential benefits of energy storage, recognizing the specific nuances of Ontario’s hybrid electricity market.

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Alberta Transmission Tariff Multi-Client Study

The intent of the paper is to identify options to improve the investment decisions in the transmission and distribution systems as well as improve signals for generation and load investment where possible. The primary objective is identifying opportunities to reduce future system costs and improve the efficiency of tariffs in allocating the existing fixed costs. Maintaining transmission and distribution rates at a flat nominal level, for example, was raised by several stakeholders as the type of goal that could be pursued.

A range of stakeholders were consulted in the development of this paper, and their concerns with the current situation and views of opportunities are documented as part of this report.  The views in the paper, other than where noted explicitly as stakeholder views, are Power Advisory’s views. Not all stakeholders hold the same or similar views, and the concerns identified in this paper include concerns held broadly as well as those held by a minority of stakeholders.  All principles identified, along with the examination of potential options, represent Power Advisory’s opinions.

At a high level, many of the identified concerns with the current structure are related to rising costs and the sustainability of the current congestion free, postage stamp design, in general.  High costs for transmission and distribution increase the pressure on the system as more customers look for alternatives to leave the centralized grid. New technology such as small-scale distributed generation, demand response options and storage were also identified as challenges and opportunities for the current transmission and distribution framework. Measures to address these concerns were explored with stakeholders, and there were a range of views put forward. It is important to note that stakeholders were generally aligned that the energy only market is working well, but sustainability concerns related to wires costs are creeping into the view of the market.

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State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Public Utilities Commission


Q: Mr. Dalton, please state your name, business address and the nature of your business.
A: My name is John Dalton. I am President of Power Advisory LLC (Power Advisory). My business address is 212 Thoreau Street, Concord, Massachusetts. Power Advisory is an electricity sector focused management consulting firm specializing in electricity market analysis and strategy, power procurement, energy policy development, and electricity project feasibility assessment. Power Advisory’s clients include power planning and procurement agencies, regulatory agencies, generation project developers, government agencies, public advocates, and electric utilities.

Q: Please summarize the scope of your Direct Testimony.
A: In my Direct Testimony I summarize the review that Power Advisory conducted of the evaluation process that was used to select DWW Rev I, LLC’s400  MW Revolution Wind Farm offshore wind facility (the Projector Revolution Wind) and the benefits offered by the Project, and also offer my assessment of whether the contract terms and pricing offered by the Revolution Wind Power Purchase Agreement, as filed by National Grid, are commercially reasonable under the standard outlined in Rhode Island General Law 39-31-171 through 39-31-9 (Affordable Clean Energy Security Act or “ACES”).

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