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German offshore wind project developer announced that it had entered into a preferred supplier agreement with Ming Yang

July 8, 2024
John Dalton

Last week a German offshore wind project developer announced that it had entered into a preferred supplier agreement with Ming Yang, a Chinese wind turbine manufacturer, for 16 of its 18.5 MW wind turbines.

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Waiting for Grid Modernization

June 18, 2024
Roy Hrab

The need for electricity grid (distribution and transmission) modernization and expansion has been the subject of many high profile announcements and reports.

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May 2024 Alberta Electricity Newsletter: 2024 AESO Long-Term Outlook

May 31, 2024
Jessica Liu & Ketan Lakhani

The AESO published the 2024 Long Term Outlook (LTO) which provides a 20-year outlook on Alberta’s electricity load and generation based on current assumptions, with an update published at least every two years. In response to ongoing uncertainty around Alberta’s market design and policy climate, the AESO released three additional scenarios along with the main Reference Case.

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May 2024 Ontario Electricity Market Update: IESO Announces Results of LT-1 RFP

May 31, 2024
Travis Lusney & Brady Yauch & Roy Hrab

On May 9, 2024, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) released the results of its Long-term 1 (LT1) RFP. The LT1 procurement is the single largest procurement by the IESO in more than a decade and is the first step in a series of long-term procurements by the IESO over the next decade as it seeks to maintain reliability and resource adequacy in the face of growing demand and shifting supply mix priorities (i.e., customer and government lower carbon emission intensity objectives).

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The Industrial Conservation Initiative and Clean Energy Power Purchase Agreements

May 15, 2024
Travis Lusney & Roy Hrab

On May 7, 2024, the Ontario Ministry of Energy posted a new proposal for feedback regarding amendments to Ontario Regulation 429/04 (O. Reg. 429/04). The proposal aims to enable eligible electricity customers (i.e., purchasers) to enter into corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with clean, non-emitting energy suppliers.

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IESO LT1 Initial Results

May 13, 2024
Travis Lusney & Brady Yauch & Roy Hrab

On May 9, 2024, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) released the results of its Long-term 1 (LT1) RFP. The LT1 procurement is the single largest procurement by the IESO in more than a decade and is the first step in a series of long-term procurements by the IESO over the next decade as it seeks to maintain reliability and resource adequacy in the face of growing demand and shifting supply mix priorities (i.e., customer and government lower carbon emission intensity objectives).

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Peter Shattuck Joins Power Advisory

May 10, 2024
Power Advisory

Power Advisory is pleased to announce that Peter Shattuck is joining the company to support the firm’s significant and expanding work in the United States, with a specific focus on transmission and offshore wind. Peter will build on experience in project development and policy engagement to assist clients in market analysis, project and program design, and development.

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Proposed Sale Notices for the Oregon and Gulf of Maine

May 3, 2024
John Dalton

On April 30th BOEM issued the Proposed Sale Notices (PSN) for the Oregon and Gulf of Maine offshore wind lease areas. The Gulf of Maine PSN identified 8 proposed lease areas covering about 1 million acres that could support up to about 15 GW.

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The Ontario Energy Board’s 2024-2027 Business Plan: The Said and the Unsaid

April 18, 2024
Roy Hrab & Travis Lusney

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Towards Developing a Natural Gas (and Energy Transition) Policy for Ontario

April 1, 2024
Roy Hrab & Travis Lusney

On February 22, 2024, Ontario’s Minister of Energy introduced Bill 165, Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024. The Bill is intended primarily to reverse the December 2023 Phase 1 Decision and Order by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) in the Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge) proceeding to set 2024-2028 rates.

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